Friday, December 9, 2016

Update for December 9th

So again... not a lot has happened recently.

My computer was fixed about 80's one of my files of old concept art got corrupted but my more recent digital drawings are safe. I can't draw because of all the issues with my wacom but I am determined to keep working as hard as I can nonetheless.

I was able to get my submission materials to John Luther on time and now I will just have to edit and arrange what material I have and what material I will make over the weekend for next week. My wacom tablet should be fuctional by this saturday meaning sunday could be nothing but drawing and that is a huge relief to me.

I have found several good revenues of research in the meantime.

The video channels, The Film Theorists

A great video about sound design and the lack of information that makes J-horror work.

And the channel Every Frame a Painting:

A great video about framing as a way to make dialouge flow and character motivation visual.
I have been really digging deep into the technicals of framing and storytelling on a more visual level.
I have a script written for my three stories, but I am purposefully looking for what words can be cut out and the information can be shown visually.
Hopefully it will make the final product all the more enjoyable.

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