This week was rather productive.
In terms of research, I was able to reach out to Phoebe Gloeckner for an email interview about her process when it comes to making Graphic Novels. Specifically her experience writing and publishing graphic novels could help translate into my project. I was lucky enough to study under Phoebe a few semesters ago, as she is the resident expert on the visual narrative.
I took a leap of faith that actually paid off in an unbelievable way. When I was growing up I met and was inspired by a man named Paul Sizer. He wrote a series of graphic novels called "Little White Mouse" and it was one of the books I read the most as a kid. While I was in middle school I took a comic book seminar with him at my local library and I believe this was one of the moments that made me want to be an artist.
I contacted him via his portfolio website and asked if I could have a short Skype interview with him about how he made his comics and what steps he took to become a published author. This is huge for me as I will be talking to one of my personal heroes and one of my main inspirations.
I am emailing Phoebe and Skyping Paul this weekend and will be able to formulate a mock 'schedule' for my project based on what they tell me. It will be a proposed schedule as if I am to make my IP into a fully published book. (and who knows, maybe I will in the future.)
This makes me very excited because it really feels like I am trying to step into the artist field that I intend to spend my life in.
It feels like I am taking some real steps forward.
I did some more concept art, slowly reaching the '50' interations of my ideas. I hope to capture expression, character design and major visual motifs that I will hopefully be incorperated into my final product.
I also have been practicing paneling and action with a short pokemon-themed comic to get the creative juices flowing.

I brought in large double sized strathmore paper that I intend to do my inking on in the future although I will be doing inital sketches in my sketchbook or on scrap paper.